Help keep music on stage at the Agassiz Festival by giving through the Agassiz Music, Inc. Endowment Fund, endowed at The Winnipeg Foundation. The Fund is administered by The Winnipeg Foundation, which receives donations and provides charitable tax receipts for all gifts.
Learn more about the Fund and fill out the donation form by downloading our brochure, or you can give online by visiting the Winnipeg Foundation website.
About the Agassiz Music, Inc. Endowment Fund
In 2017, Agassiz Music, Inc. was the beneficiary of a gift of $25,000 from the Estate of Margaret Luise Kuntzemueller. In 2020, an Endowment Fund was established with The Winnipeg Foundation with Margaret’s gift to help ensure the financial health of Agassiz Music, Inc. in perpetuity. Agassiz Music, Inc. also received matching monies from The Winnipeg Foundation and Canadian Heritage at the Fund’s establishment.
Margaret Kuntzemueller was a long-time patron and supporter of the Agassiz Festival – as far back as 2004. When she was no longer able to attend concerts, she continued to support the organization financially, always interested in the artists appearing and repertoire being performed. The Agassiz family is sincerely grateful to her for this wonderful legacy gift.
AGASSIZ MUSIC, INC. gratefully acknowledges the support of those who have donated to the Endowment Fund:
Formation Gift
Margaret Luise Kuntzmueller
Gifts Received Since 2020
Coralie Bryant
Susan & Thomas Conrad
Werner & Judy Danchura
Joe Dudych
Spencer Duncanson
Lori Stewart
Veronica Larmour
Donald R. Lawrence
Dr. Marion Lewis C.M. O.M.
Shannon K. MacFarlane
Dr. Neil & Elaine Margolis
Paul Marleyn
Maureen McIntosh
Marina Plett-Lyle
Sigrid Schibler-Brodeur
Lori Stewart & Paul Hagerman
Andrew S. Thomson
Genevieve Twomey & Terry Johnson
Allan & Mavis Whicker
Gustine H. & Dennis L. Wilton
Dr. Barrie and Phyllis Webster